Mother's Day Gift Guide

Mother's Day Gift Guide

Mother's Day is a day to celebrate all the people who raised us into the people we are today! Here is a list of perfect gifts to spoil them!

Victory Quilt
Inspiration: The feast day of Our Lady of Victory also called Our Lady of the Rosary, is celebrated on October 7th. This collection reflects the colors of Autumn - warm hues of green, gold, and orange. It also features a repeating Marigold pattern, a flower rich in symbolism for the Blessed Mother. The marigold, also nicknamed “Mary’s Gold" in the twelfth century, boasts gold petals that have been likened to rays of light crowning Mary’s head, and the prodigal color is related to the generous giving of herself to God's plan. View here
Immaculata Cosmetic Bags
Inspiration: The Dogma of Mary's conception without sin asserts that "from the moment of her conception, the Blessed Virgin was, by the singular grace and privilege of Almighty God, and in view of the merits of Jesus Christ, Savior of Mankind, kept free from all stain of original sin." They are also on sale! Get 15% off applied at checkout! View here
Stella Maris Table Runner
Inspiration: Stella Maris means Star of the Sea in Latin. This collection contains soft blues and greens reflective of the colors of the ocean. This title also perfectly captures Mary's role as our heavenly mother--she is the guiding star that can be found in the calm of the sea at night or amidst the tumultuous storm-tossed waves that try to divert our attention away from her son. View here
Madonna Dinner Napkins
Inspiration: In Latin, Madonna means Our Lady. But this title has many other connotations beyond its strict translation. We think of Mary primarily as mother - a mother oftentimes depicted tenderly cradling her infant son shrouded by a blue mantle. Deeply rooted in Catholic symbolism, the blue of Mary's cloak has been interpreted to represent her purity, her virginity, and her royalty. 
This collection pays tribute to that paradigmatic depiction of Madonna and child. It is timeless just as Mary transcends the ages, and the deep blue is emblematic of the riches that abound under the protection of our Mother's mantle. View here
Taper Candle
100% pure beeswax, hand poured and hand rolled in Bedford, VA. They are also on sale! 20% off applied at checkout! View here
Fatima Tablecloth
Inspiration: Our Lady appeared to three young children on October 13, 1917, in Portugal, Fatima. Large crowds gathered in Fatima to catch a glimpse of a lady that three shepherd children had said appeared to them. Witnesses said that after a period of heavy rain, the clouds cleared and the sun began to "dance" across the sky. The children reported that the lady wore white and held a rosary in her hand. She implored them to pray the rosary everyday as this prayer would lead to the end of WWI.
When I think of Portugal, I imagine the color palette used in this collection: blues, soft greens, and vibrant reds. When I imagine Mary's apparition to the children, I imagine she spoke with the gentleness and care of a mother shrouded in a soft glow with the most beautiful, delicate features. View here
Stella Maris Cosmetic Bag
Inspiration: Stella Maris means Star of the Sea in Latin. This collection contains soft blues and greens reflective of the colors of the ocean. This title also perfectly captures Mary's role as our heavenly mother--she is the guiding star that can be found in the calm of the sea at night or amidst the tumultuous storm-tossed waves that try to divert our attention away from her son. They are also on sale! Get 15% off applied at checkout! View here



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